LA County Judicial / DA Voting Guide

By otmseo on August 24, 2020

As you know I practice criminal defense and am in the courtroom daily. Every election cycle I see friends pass around election slates on social media and every cycle I cringe because there are always some very questionable choices being passed around. The majority of voters do not know much about the candidates running for judge because their election is almost an afterthought. This can have very unfortunate consequences because almost all judges elected get sent to criminal courts in order to get trial experience and that can have a very negative impact on someone’s freedom. Therefore this cycle I would like to pass around my recommendations. If anyone wants clarification on why I chose someone over other candidates I would be happy to explain. 

I will just be posting the contested races where I  know the candidates running and the District Attorney race: Please pass on to your networks. 

District attorney: Rachel Rossi

No. 72 Robert Jacobs

No. 76 Emily Cole

No. 97 Sherry Powell

No. 145 Troy Slaten

No. 162 Caree Harper

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