DUI Interview With Mark Rosenfeld

By otmseo on August 24, 2020

DUI Interview With Mark Rosenfeld (Mr. DUILA)


Here is the DUI interview I did with DUI attorney Mark Rosenfeld, Mr. DUI LA. It includes us talking about the challenges of DUI Defense and going through a recent DUI trial victory of mine. In the interview Mark and I discuss the common misconception that DUI cases are unwinnable. I describe a recent DUI trial victory to illustrate the point that DUI Cases are winnable with the right attorney. This is video is a good example of the issues in a DUI case as the case study involves, field sobriety tests, breath testing, blood testing, and issues of time of driving. After all, the State must prove that the accused driver was impaired and/or over .08% blood alcohol content at the time of driving. In this case, the defendant had to fight because of onerous immigration consequences related to travel to Canada. He was tested with three separate machines, the preliminary alcohol screening device, the Datamaster breath testing device and hi blood was analyzed by gas chromatagram.  In the DUI interview I discuss how all three of the tests were flawed. If, after watching this DUI interview, you are ready to fight and win your DUI or you have questions about whether your DUI can be won, please call me at (213) 893-8640 to set up an appointment.

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