Robbery Attorney in Los Angeles

Robbery is the taking of the property of another by force or threat of force. It is a theft plus an assault.

The State always charges it as a felony.

It is mostly a strike. In CA, since the three strike law was passed in 1994, a strike is a serious or violent Felony that is punished with Prison. Your prison stay only gets 15% good time credit. If you’re convicted of a second strike, it will double your sentence. If you’re convicted for three strikes you go to prison for 25 years to life. 

An eyewitness (the ‘victim’) usually starts a robbery case by calling the cops.  They later have to identify the person the police think committed the crime.  This poses difficulties and a Knowledgeable Lawyer can exploit those difficulties. 

I have successfully argued the issue of false identification in robbery cases.

The Prosecutor can even charge you with a Robbery if you didn’t use any force to get whatever they say you took. If they say you used force or threat of force to escape (like pulling away from a guard that grabs you or threatening to hit the rent-a-cop if he doesn’t let you leave the store), under a case called People v. Estes, they can charge you as if you had used force. This is commonly referred to as an Estes Robbery and is punished the same as if you’d actually used force to take the goods.

While every Robbery case is different. I’ve been successfully defending and developing strategies to successfully defend Robbery cases for over 17 years.

Since I know what’s at stake for you, and I will use all my skills to make sure you beat the Robbery charges.

Attempted Robbery

You can be charged with attempted robbery if a witness says you used force or threats, but didn’t take their stuff. Someone can change a simple altercation into a strike by telling the police you were trying to take their stuff.

Conspiracy to Commit Robbery

If you and a friend discuss taking someone’s stuff and you take some overt action to take their stuff you can be charged with conspiracy to commit robbery. Conspiracy to commit robbery is pretty speculative. You don’t even have to be near that person. The person doesn’t even have to see you.

Contact criminal defense attorney of The Law Office of Edward J. Blum today.