Fraud Attorney in Los Angeles
If you have charges stacked against you for fraud, it is important to keep informed, do your research, and hire professional legal help. This way, you can know your options and can get the most favorable outcome possible. What are the penalties for fraud charges in California, what does the criminal defense process look like, and why is it important to get a proper defense lawyer? The Law Office of Edward J. Blum represents individuals accused of fraud crimes in and around Los Angeles. They can answer these questions and more. Call today.

Fraud Penalties in California
Now that you have charges processing against you for fraud, you may be wondering what the penalties are when being charged in California.
False Declaration as of Eligibility: This can carry a penalty of a misdemeanor with six months in county jail or a $1,000 fine, or it can be charged as a felony with up to three years in prison.
Fraudulent Claims: This can carry a penalty of a misdemeanor with six months in county jail or a $1,000 fine. You can also be charged with a felony with up to five years in prison and a fine that does not exceed three times the fraud amount. If this causes two or more people serious bodily injury, an additional four years is added per person.
Kickbacks, Bribes, Rebates, or Solicitation: This can carry a penalty of a misdemeanor with six months in county jail or a $1,000 fine. It can also be charged as a felony of up to three years in prison with a $10,000 fine. If it is your second offense, then the penalties automatically are charged as a felony.
Grand Theft: The penalty for grand theft is a misdemeanor with one year in county jail and could be a felony with up to three years in prison.
False Writing: The penalty for false writing is a felony with up to five years in prison plus a $50,000 fine or double the fraud amount, whichever is greater.
False Health Care Benefit Claim: When the fraud amount is $950 or less, the penalty is a misdemeanor with one year in county jail and/or a $1,000 fine. When the amount is more than $950, the penalty is a misdemeanor with a one-year jail sentence and/or $10,000 fine, or a felony with up to five years in prison with a $50,000 fine or double the fraud amount, whichever is greater.
Claim For Unused Health Care Benefit: An fraud amount of $950 or less is a penalty of a misdemeanor with one year in county jail and/or a $1,000 fine. An amount of fraud of greater than $950, the penalities are a misdemeanor with a one-year jail sentence and/or a $10,000 fine or a felony with up to five years in prison with a $50,000 fine or double the fraud amount, whichever is greater.
The price people pay for committing fraud is not cheap. It is important that if you are charged with this crime, that you hire a defense lawyer to know what your options are.
The Criminal Defense Process
So, now that you know what penalties could be brought against you, it is good to know how the criminal defense process works. This way, you can hire a professional defense lawyer, like Edward J. Blum, to help get you started.
- First, your attorney will review the documents with the charges being brought against you, as well as the police reports of the charges.
- Then, your attorney will identify witnesses, if there are any to testify, and depose witnesses.
- Next, your attorney will review discovery evidence and determine the strength of your case.
- Lastly, your attorney will decide whether you should plead or go to trial based on the charges against you.
Benefits of a Private Criminal Defense Lawyer
Although public defenders are free, they are oftentimes overworked and stressed, which may lead to a plea that is not in your favor. If you are charged with fraud, you want to make sure that you have the best possible private defense lawyer, like Edward J. Blum, who has the time and resources to build a strong defense. Edward J. Blum has been defending fraud charges for the past 17 years and knows exactly what is at stake when it comes to your case. Edward J. Blum also knows the laws when it comes to fraud and will do everything in his legal power to help you attain a favorable outcome.
Hire a Los Angeles Fraud Attorney Today
You may be able to get a public defense lawyer for free, but who knows what you are risking when it comes to your case. You want to hire a private defense lawyer who is knowledgeable and experienced enough to help you. That is why it is important to hire someone like Edward J. Blum. Don’t delay. Call attorney Edward J. Blum today.